Monday, August 29, 2016

Operation Orchid Changes to Operation Night Howler

Ohhh, life!  Goodness, it's been a while, and I'm in desperate need of some "happy".  I figured now is as good a time as any to give a little Disney update.

Our next trip is coming up very soon with a visit in October for our first ever Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party.  I have to admit that I'm pretty excited about this one.  First of all, I love Disney.  Second of all, I love costumes.  There is basically no opportunity to ever wear a costume to Disney except for runDisney events and this Halloween party, so I'm super excited to actually be able to come up with something.

My first jump was a big one - I had landed my heart on making a Rapunzel dress because I love Rapunzel and - I'll be honest - I wanted to feel like a pretty princess.  However, Operation Orchid has been placed on hold (despite the fact that I now have all of the necessary materials to make the dress - go figure).  Instead of getting thoroughly discouraged, I turned back my brain and started working on a newer and easier to pull together idea.  I needed something that I could easily thrift/eBay/craft/cobble together, and I wanted something Disney related. 

And thus Operation Night Howler went into effect, and I landed on the new, improved, and easier-to-manage idea of Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps from Zootopia.

Because - let's face it - they're freaking adorable.  And I love that pink plaid shirt with the sunhat look.

See what I mean?  So, so cute!  Okay, done with the cuteness.  Let's talk details here.

I cobbled together an items list for each character, determined to check them off as I went.  I've done pretty well, and I've even tracked prices - which is something I don't typically do when putting together a costume, really.  I used a lot of saved searches on eBay - which is a God-send, and if you've never used it...use it.  It sends all of my finds directly to my email each day, and I sort through them from there.

Nick Wilde
Green, hawaiian-ish shirt - eBay find - used - $12.16
Navy blue and red striped tie - eBay find - new (will also use for work) - $15.00
Khaki pants - personally own - $0.00
Belt - personally own - $0.00
Ears & Tail - will hand craft
     Faux fur from and JoAnn Fabris - total fabric cost $18.74
     Polyfill, thread, and other materials - personally own - $0.00
Hat to attach ears to - Amazon - $6.98
Total Cost: $52.88

Judy Hopps
Pink, plaid shirt
     eBay find - didn't work out, too small - $7.48
     WalMart find - $15.00
Jeans - personally own - $0.00
Ears, Headband & Tail - will hand craft
     Faux fur, flannel, and headband from JoAnn Fabrics - total fabric cost $7.25
     Other fabric, Polyfill, thread, and other materials - personally own $0.00
Gray wig - Amazon - $15.99
White sun hat - personally own - $0.00
Total Cost: $45.72

Turns out what I write down the prices of things, I freak out a little.  Good times!  But honestly, if I sit back and analyze these numbers, I don't find them that bad.  These clothing items can share a "real life" purpose, as well - not just for a costume.  So the only things that won't get used on a regular basis are the fabric bits - the ears and tails.  I think I'm okay with that, and I think I'm pretty good with these prices.  Goodness knows what you'd pay when you go to a costume shop for something.  That can be scary expensive.

So my next job on this costuming adventure is to start crafting some tails and ears and things - a new costuming experience I have never undertaken.  Fun times lie ahead!