Well, sadly, sickness has claimed more time than I wanted it to here lately. Thankfully, it's just a cold that I've been fighting, but it's been a pretty rough one. It kept me confined to the couch and house this cold, wintery weekend, and there was no way I could get out and do my training sessions for the Star Wars Dark Side 10K that's coming up at Walt Disney World in April. That was the major bummer.
The husband is running this one with me, and it's our first ever 10K. We've been as diligent as we can when it comes to training, and we did a lot of prep work working up to the start of our actual training schedule on December 16th. Being as this is our first 10K and neither one of us is a runner by nature, we went with the
training information provided by runDisney and trainer Jeff Galloway (pdf) - the run/walk method. Knowing that we'd have to keep at least a 16 minute a mile pace in order to not get "swept" at the actual race, we selected a run/walk ratio of run 30 sec/walk 45 sec which is supposed to get you to a 15 minute mile pace.
We must be fast or doing it wrong or overdoing it or something, but at the 30/45 run/walk pace, we're actually average around 13.5-14 minutes miles. So...yay? I have no idea. But it's working for us, and our bodies aren't crying out in agony...yet.
Technically, at this point in time, we should be on Week 4 of our training and have completed 9 training session total. We've completed 5 of the 9. One was skipped because of my early birthday present of going to see the Doctor Who Christmas Special on the big screen at the movie theater (this was a limited time thing, and Monday was the only day we could make it work). Three more sessions were skipped due to sickness (one being just lightheaded/overtired and the other two being due to a nasty cold I picked up from work). Our next running session is scheduled for Tuesday, but that might get pushed to Wednesday just to give me more time to recover from this bug.
At our current fitness level, we're able to run 2.2 miles in about 30-31 minutes. We haven't done any distances longer than 2.2 miles at this time. Our next "long" run was scheduled for this past Saturday, but thanks to my cold that didn't happen. So I reworked our training schedule. Week 4 will deviate a bit from what was originally planned. We'll have 30 minutes work sessions on both Wednesday and Friday, and then Sunday will be our 2.5 mile run.
Hopefully I can get us back on track because I really want to be disciplined about this. This is such a goal of mine right now - to complete this race and to feel awesome about it. It's something I've never done, and it's going to be one heck of an adventure.