Thursday, November 19, 2015

A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away....

It is a time of insane ideas, geeky moments, and crazy adventures.  We can all live in those momentary flights of fancy, pretending that we’re the hero.  That we’re off to save the day or protect the galaxy….or maybe just fix the copy machine and manage to navigate the 9-5 pace.  Truth is, we don’t always have time for our nerdiness.  The responsibilities of adulthood tend to take over our minds, and we can forget the power of dreams and imagination and creativity.  I know I’m one of these people.  I’ve caught myself on more than one occasion grumbling about real life, and I know for a fact that my imagination isn’t what it used to be.

But I believe there are times when you can cut loose and let that “childishness” come out.  It’s not something to be ashamed of as an adult.  I think it’s something to embrace, honestly.  Sometimes, this world is just ugly; it seems like all we see is hate, bitterness and torment.  I think being able to wipe that all away – even for a moment – and dream of a better time, a better place, a better world…that is amazing.  It’s therapeutic.  It keeps us sane in an otherwise insane world.

So my inner-child comes out to play through a couple of things that I hold near and dear.  The first thing I’ll claim is Disney (since I learned about it at a much earlier age).  My second (and probably largest) fandom is Star Wars.  Now, in the last few years there has been a lot of talk about these two fandoms/franchises – with the sale of Lucasfilm which is now owned by Disney.  There are new movies coming out, a reboot of the Expanded Universe books, new developments for a “Star Wars Land” at the Disney Parks.  It’s an insane time to be a fan of both of these things.

Now, I know I’m not the only one out there who is a Star Wars fan and a Disney fan.  These things aren’t exclusive to me alone.  But the way I view these fandoms, how they fuel my life, my passions, and my goals – all of that is unique to me.  No one else.  Just me.  And while some people will agree with what I have to say, other people will go, “My word, woman!  What are you thinking when you say [insert what I considered to be a normal statement here]?!”  The thing is that I’m thinking what I think – and that’s okay.  And it’s okay for you to agree with what I think or disagree with what I think.  I think that’s just fine.  We’re all different.  It’s the only thing that makes this crazy world interesting.

This blog – while I’ll be honing in on the topics of Disney and Star Wars specifically – probably won’t bring you anything new in terms of news.  Everyone out there is talking about Disney and Star Wars.  That’s not news.  But what this blog will be in my unique spin on what these things mean, what they do for me, what they’ve done for other people, and how they have and will affect my life in so many different ways.

It’s going to be a journey, and I promise it will be a weird and winding one.  It might be boring along the way because – hey – whose life is 100% exciting all the time?  Even Luke Skywalker had his dull moments.  A lot of ’em.  Up until he stared out at that twin sunset on Tatooine and wished he were a million miles away, Luke was stuck and down and depressed on a desert planet.  But when he looked out at that sunset, he dreamed of something bigger – knew he was destined for something greater, even if he didn’t know what it was just yet.

So that’s what we’ll work towards.  We don’t know the ending, and we don’t even know what paths we’ll take to get to where we’re going.  But we’ll get there, and we’ll do it together.

May the Force be with us.

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