Thursday, December 17, 2015

Unedited, Uninhibited Fangirl Squeeing

I have drafted and rewritten and ignored and then looked at and then ignored again a post for the last four days.  It's because these last four days have been a whirlwind of crazy, fangirl activity mixed in with real life responsibilities, and - frankly - I'm exhausted.  Writing seemed like too much of an effort, and I didn't want to have to edit down my ramblings to something that made sense.

I've been celebrating Star Wars week by "dressing up" my typically casual-esque Star Wars clothing to fit within the lines of my work place's business casual dress code.  I went shopping for fun necklaces, raided my closet for all sorts of items, and threw together awesome outfits.  I took more selfies than a teenager at lunchtime in the bathroom.  It was embarrassing - and amazingly fun.  I had every intention of writing a post a day this week - share an outfit or a story or just ramble.  But nope.  Just felt like it would take me too long to do it. 

So we'll forget the editing and the pictures and all of that.  This post will be unedited, uninhibited.  And ohmygoodnessi'msoexcitedbecausetheforceawakenscomesouttoday.

That's really what today is.  It's Star Wars Day.  It's a day of renewing our fandom, of bringing new friends into the fold, of coming together and seeing something we all love on the big screen again.

I thought I was blessed when I got to see the prequels released in the theater.  I missed out on the original trilogy by five years, and I didn't get to see them on the big screen until the Special Editions were released.  So when Episode I (and the other films) were released, I thought I was a lucky Star Wars fan.

Today - I realize I am far more lucky than I ever realized.  Or maybe, in my experience, there's no such thing as luck as Obi-Wan would say.  Maybe all of my life has pulled me to this silly little franchise because this is where I've found some happiness.  I've found true friendship here and spent so many good times surrounded by good people all in the name of Star Wars.  It sounds horribly silly when you type it out like that, but that's what honestly makes it all so special - the people we share this love with.

So I'm ignoring spoilers and reviews and photos of premiers and everything like that.  I'll be on internet shutdown for the majority of the day.  My showing starts at 8:00pm tonight.  Regular 2D, nothing fancy.  But I am so excited to sit down and share this with my fellow fans. 

May the Force be with us.  Always.

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