Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Star Wars In Concert 2016

I've been on a bit of a hiatus for a while because I recently took a little trip down to Florida to visit Walt Disney World and Universal Studios theme parks.  A good time was had by all - despite the colder temperatures.  There are a number of things I'd like to talk about regarding the trip, but while I was catching up on my blog feed this morning, I saw this little gem:

Star Wars In Concert Coming To A City Near You In 2016.

I kind of flipped out.  I mean - I'm currently listening to The Force Awakens soundtrack, and then BOOM!  TheForce.net gives me this little tidbit to make me fangirl out all over the place.

I was blessed to be able to see this concert back in 2009.  I'd forgotten it was even that long ago until I looked it up.  2009 was a weird year for me.  I kind of "came out of my shell".  Having suffered too long from depression and feeling like it was holding me back, I tried out for a community theater production of You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown.  I scored the role of Lucy, and I was excited and freaked out at the same thing.  I'd done some bit parts here and there in high school.  But here I was an adult (debatable, I know), and this was the largest undertaking I'd ever set out to tackle.

I tackled it.  And then I tackled another role in Little Shop of Horrors as one of the "muses".  Then there was a drama role in a show called Major Barbara. To tack on to that, one of my good friends at the time asked me out - and that put nerd husband and I on the path to where we are now.  (Poor guy, I might just have to call him Nerd Husband (NH?) from here on out.)  So let's see - depression, three community theater productions, new relationship...

...and oh yeah.  Star Wars Concert!  OMG!

That's pretty much how it felt when I heard this was announced and then immediately jumped on the bandwagon to buy tickets.  Nerd Husband and another Star Wars fannish friend of ours came along with me to the concert, and I think we were all blown away.  I actually still have the key chain I purchased sitting on my desk at work as a reminder.

Music has always been a deep love of mine, and John Williams has been a hero since I was old enough to realize who he was.  The man has a deep love for what he does and a magnificent ear and mind.  Every time I hear something new of his, I just have to marvel.  I will admit there have been times here lately that his music has sounded rehashed to me - maybe just reused or tired.  But with the newest Star Wars soundtrack, I cannot help but marvel at the new musical feast he has fed to fans.

You can bet if there's a way, I'll make it to this new concert!

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