Monday, March 7, 2016

A Smattering of Things

I am excited and pleased to announce that I was able to get up, get out to the gym and run yesterday!  A full 4.25 miles (the longest I've ever run/walked, actually).  So yay for that!  The head cold had let up enough that I felt pretty good, despite still having a bit of a running nose and whatnot.  So I headed over to the community center, did my best despite my illnesses, and put in those 4.25 miles

And then last night, the head cold migrated.  To my chest.  The second I went to bed and put my head on the pillow, the coughing started.  A second pillow quieted me enough to get to sleep, but then I woke up sweating and hot/cold and just all sorts of fun around 5 AM.  I took myself into work (though I'm wondering why), and I managed to finish out the day.  I sounded like a frog by the time all was said and done.  Between the chest cold dropping my voice, a sore throat/chest, and having a talk for a good portion of the day - that just did me in.

I was looking forward to the 30 minute run tomorrow evening because the weather is supposed to be pretty and warm.  Now I'm wondering how I'll be doing tomorrow with this silly cold.  If it gets much worse, I'll have to take myself into the doctor.  Boy, if it's not one thing, it's ten thousand others, yes?

But 4.25 miles is still pretty awesome (for me), so I'm not letting a cold take away my victory!

In other news, I came across a post on a Disney message board that said they are now offering purple Magic Bands.  I was thinking, Oh, yeah.  I remember hearing about that.  They were going to charge me to buy a purple magic band.  No, thank you.  However, out of curiosity, I hopped on the Walt Disney World website just to check out the band selection. 

Lo and behold, there it was.  The holy grail.  The thing I had been waiting for since the dawning of the Magic Band era.  A beautiful, majestic, purple Magic Band.

I had originally been quite proud of my Magic Band selection for April - an orange band with the nickname of "Rogue One".  However, the discovery of a new purple band immediately trumped orange, so I set about making my changes.  A pretty purple band will be in the mail to me soon with the nickname of "Asajj".  *cue evil grin and laugh here*

I've been working a bit more on the running costume, but I hit a little bit of a snag last night with the belt buckle idea.  It's been kind of a pain trying to figure out how to make this all work, but I'm getting there.  I've got some ideas I'm going to try and put into play tonight, and we'll see how it works out.

And hopefully - Force willing - I will be able to run tomorrow and not croak.

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