Monday, March 21, 2016

Updated Training Schedule

Annnnnnd we're back.  With another not-so-exciting update from the land of sickness and despair!

Wow - 'cause that wasn't a depressing intro.  ;)

Seriously, it's been not-so-great in the 10K training aspect of life right now.  The Nerd Husband's illness was a setback.  My cold was a setback.  My resulting bronchitis was a setback.  My hours of sleep to get over said cold and bronchitis were a setback.

Then came the weird ankle/toe pain of last week that lasted over the weekend and into today.  That, too, was (and still might be?) a setback.  The weekend was spent icing the thing to the point of Hoth numbness and rejoicing the fact that I found a tube of Bengay cream in the medicine cabinet.  The cat was quite appalled at my lethal peppermint smell; it was amusing.  However, the pain associated with this setback was (and still occasional is) not amusing.  I'm attributing the ankle/toe issue to a case of bad footwear - probably a pair of cheap boots that I wore to work last week.  So I'm now making it a priority to not wear boots to work before April 16th.  Nope.  Just the Dr. Scholl's old lady work shoes for me, buddy.  I also decided to order myself a new pair of tennis shoes for walking from my car to work each day.  My old ones are starting to wear down, and I really want to take care of my feet for this race.

Unfortunately, all of these setbacks mean that I had to revise the schedule.  Again.  I know that I need to ease back into this whole running thing, and the last "long run" I did was 4.25 miles.  The NH didn't make it to the end of that run; he managed 3.14 (ha!  PI!) miles before he had to sit out due to allergy/breathing issues.  That run also led directly into my bout of bronchitis, so we both really aren't doing so well.  So I'm trying to ease us back into running, gently increasing the mileage as well as working on our overall strength.  I think we just need to build our bodies back up to being awesome, and it's going to take a bit of work.  Knowing that, I decided to throw in some cross-training days and adjust the schedule from our original Galloway training.

The new schedule for this week looks a bit like this:
Table Header Table Header
Monday, March 21, 2016 15 min run; 25 min cross-train
Tuesday, March 22, 2016 20 min run; 20 min cross-train
Wednesday, March 23, 2016 2 miles
Thursday, March 24, 2016 REST
Friday, March 25, 2016 45 min cross-train
Saturday, March 26, 2016 REST
Sunday, March 27, 2016 4.5 miles

It's definitely going to be a challenge to get back up and ready to do all of this.  Plus, we aren't used to going to the community center this often.  I'm keeping my thoughts positive, though.  Hopefully I can keep the NH's thoughts positive, as well. 

In other news, I finally found a pair of running shorts that fit my properly!  I went to JC Penney's this weekend, and they happened to have their shorts out on the racks.  I picked up a pair of Xersion quick-dri compression shorts on sale, and I also found a pair of Nike shorts that I think might work out well!  I'm a little nervous about the Nike ones when it comes to running, but they fit well for everyday fitness and just overall, so I picked them up.  I'll test both out and see what works best. 

Now that I have shorts, that allows me to figure out where to hem the running skirt for the costume.  I put on the compression shorts last night, and I marked about where I think the hemline should be on the skirt.  I need to find my original pattern piece, mark my new, rounded hemline, and then finallly hem the darned thing.  That will also allow me to get going on the tabbard.  So I think things are finally going to move along on that, as long as I find the energy to get up off my butt and get to it.

We also got our magic bands in the mail last Friday.  They're the newer model of Magic Band, and you can definitely tell a difference.  Much lighter, thinner, and less clunky then the first version.  Plus, mine is purple.  So, you know, it's already superior to the old ones.  ;)  However, we're still awaiting our Magical Express paperwork.  I called last week to confirm that we were set up for ME, but I never did ask if they had sent the documentation.  I figured I would give them until this week, and then I would call just to make sure it was on its way.

I can't believe this is coming up as quickly as it is.  It seems like we were waiting on April forever, and now I'm freaking out because I don't feel like we're trained enough, prepared enough, etc.  But it will get here, and we will be where we will be.

Hopefully, we'll be okay.

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