Monday, March 14, 2016

Loosen That Belt Buckle - It's Pi Day!

Some progress and some setbacks.  I think that's the way life just tends to work, honestly.  I'm trying not to let it get to me too much.

No cross-training happened on Sunday due to the Nerd Husband coming down with some sort of bug.  Not sure what the bug was or is, but it definitely put him out of commission for the day.  I was a little bummed that we couldn't go (and really bummed he wasn't feeling well), but I have to admit that I was also pretty darned tired.  I did get out and get to the grocery store, and I stood on my feet for a while making pie dough for Pi Day today.  Does that count as exercise?  I'm going to say "yes" because then I will feel less guilty.

My bronchitis is still there - making itself known every now and then in little coughing spits.  My lungs don't hurt quite like they did, but there's still some gunk that's clingy around in there.  That's the annoying part.  We're scheduled to go to the community center on Tuesday, so maybe that will actually be able to happen.  Not sure about the running, but maybe some more cross-training just to get back up to speed.

I did have success in the running costume, though!  I have been having some fits with trying to figure out how to make this darned belt buckle for Asajj.  I tried a couple of different things.  Air dry clay ended up being too heavy and bulky to affix to the costume and run in.  I tried working with some actual air clay (lighter stuff), but I'm really not good at this whole sculpting thing.  I ended up scrapping that idea and going back to my sewing.  I had a basic design idea, but I could not figure out how to get the imitate the "raised edge" that goes around the buckle.  Finally, I figured it meant I had to learn something new - bias tape.

I've never worked with bias tape before, honestly - and to be honest again, I have never cut anything on the bias until I made this running skirt.  So I'm learning all sorts of new things with this project, I guess!  I bought some bias tape to check it out at JoAnn's, but it was the wrong color for my fabric.  So then that meant...I had to make my bias tape.  Myself.  Oh boy.  Luckily, I found this handy little doodad at JoAnn's for 40% off, and I figured out how to make my own bias tape...with a little trial and error.  Thankfully, I didn't need a lot, and I actually got the darned stuff sewed on and looking pretty decent without too maybe stitch ripping sessions.  To attach the buckle to the belt, I added a strap of black elastic onto the back of the buckle.  So the whole thing will keep its overall shape, I cut up two circle of plastic canvas, rolled them up, and stuffed them into the belt before I stitched it closed by hand.  It's awesome.  I love it.  It'll work.

Couple more things to work on regarding this costume now.  I have to figure out where to hem the skirt and complete that.  That will affect how long the tabard is.  I'll have to cut that, draw out my stencil pattern, and paint that on there.  That will take some time with drying and coats of paint and whatnot.  Then I have to figure out how to attach that tabard to the belt.  Not sure how to do that just yet, but I'll figure it out.  I also realized I have to adjust my belt clasp so that it is hidden by the belt buckle.  This will require a bit of cutting on the belt, some more stitching, and then finally stitching on the plastic clasp pieces.  I think that will be okay.

So much to do.  And this is the stuff that doesn't really matter - the running should matter.  Well, the running does matter, but unfortunately, life has dictated that the running can't matter right now.  Getting well is top priority, and I'd rather hold off, work on easy things, and then get back at it when the NH and I are both ready.

Oh, and hey - happy Pi Day!  I'm not sure how to make a Star Wars or Disney related pie (or pi) joke, so I'm just gonna leave it at that.  ;)

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